For the resources employed in Home partner companies with Contract of Apprenticeship in High Education and Research, the “Home Project” proposes the 1st level Master course Hierarchical Open Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 – HOMI4.0, managed by the Polytechnic of Turin, with the collaboration of the University of Turin.
The course aims to provide technological and methodological skills to operate in Industry 4.0 and to develop the role of "(Smart) Middle manager".
The course is focused in five areas of Industry 4.0:
- SOFT SKILLS: Interpersonal interaction, Teamworking, Problem solving, Leadership, …
- MGMT: Maintenance, Environment, Safety, Lean organization, Economics and management, Innovation, …
- ICT: Cloud computing, Internet of Things, Enterprise resources planning, Manufacturing execution systems, …
- TECH: Robotics (Industrial, Collaborative, …),Virtual/Augmented reality, Cyber physical systems, …
- HW&SW protocols for sensors, actuators, devices, communication (Industrial Ethernet, …)
Graduates younger than 29 years, in technical, scientific, economic or management areas, (L-02, L-04, L-07, L-08, L-09, L-13, L-16, L-18, L-21, L-23, L-25, L-26, L-27, L-29, L-30, L-31, L-32, L-33, L-35, L-38, L-40, L-41).
Duration: 24 months. Starting in September 2018. The Master consists of:
- 400 hrs of university education
- 800 hrs of training in the companies.