The HOME project is funded by the Piedmont Region in the framework of "Programma Operativo Regionale POR-FESR 2014/2020", over the call for tenders of the "Fabbrica Intelligente" technological platform.
The project was chosen after more than a year of evaluation by the Regional Authorities, for:
- the strong interdisciplinary character
- the complementarity of 28 partners
- the presence of innovative SMEs, of Large Enterprises strongly rooted in the territory
- the presence of as many as 8 Research Organisms known in the international academic world.
- Start date: 15 March 2018
- End Date: 14 March 2021
- Duration: 27 month
- Month/Man: 1.766
- Cost: 10.264.000 €
- 14 Work Package:
- 1 WP of Management
- 2 WP of Industrial Research
- 6 WP of Experimental Development
- 5 WP of End Users